Saturday, October 13, 2007

Absoluely clear

Dont surrender your loneliness
so quickly
Let it ferment and season you
As few human
or even devine ingrediants can
Something missing in my heart tonight
has made my eyes so soft
my voice
so tender
My need of god


Love is real!

Love is real
real is love
Love is feeling
feeling love
Love is wanting
to be loved,

Love is touch
touch is love
Love is reaching
reaching love
Love is asking
to be loved

by John lennon

Soul and body!

Soul and body are one just like day and night are one.They are so close,but still so far.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Conversation with God!

Me: God!,where are you God?
God: I am everywhere and nowhere.
Me: I really want to see you,i want to know you.
God:You can't?
Me: But why?
God:Because the one who can see me and know never need my approval.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wheel of life.

The wheel of life keeps on moving,perhaps the only constant thing in life is change.

Extra sensory perception.

Today i experienced extra-sensory perception for the third time in a single year,thats quite an achievement.Thanks God ,please dont stop sending me these sms.haha!

Life is beautiful!

Life is beautiful because of death.


Don't say 'what future hold for me'? but 'what i hold for future'?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Absurd Life.

I believe its the absurdity and complexity in life which encourages us to strive for meaning.

Death and Silence

Just like sound orignates from the fountain of silence and ends in silence.Life orignates from death and ends up in death.

Nietzshce's Superman.

Nietzsche Superman fascinates me a lot,not because its chaotic but passionate.The "Will to Power" is a divine attribute.

Time and Eternity.

"Time is the moving image of eternity-Plato"

The master of Aristotle couldn't have said it any better.Isn't it?

Self and God!

I believe myself,thats why i believe in God.If we believe in god(rather a giant like figure) sitting high above heaven waiting for us to die,and then send us to hell .Then i am afraid we will encounter many prodoxes which will inevitably lead us to anxiety.But if we believe in our SELF,then we must try to reveal God in our actions.God almighty reveals himself in our actions and deeds.A good ,moral,welfare society represents Kingdom of Heaven on earth.I may sound like a utopian.But thats the way i am.

Unity of things.

Despite all the complexities of life ,i get amazed by the unity of things.The unity between river and sea,good and evil,joys and sorrows,resistence and motion,time and space,Being and Nothingness,Hate and love,Day and night,life and death.

Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is hidden in the heart,look for it and you'll find it there.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007