Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cure for Nihilism: Bergsonian Answer.

'Nihilism is a disease. The symptoms are hyper-consciousness. In other words, nihilism is the problem of an overly self-indulgent reflective man. Therefore, the cure for it lies in action not in thought.'

My recent rekindled interest in Nihilism made me realize that as a disease nihilism is the result of the failure of human 'intellect' in grasping the meaning of life. When the intellect tries to see beyond its own limits; it ultimately encounters nihilism. Reason becomes cognizant of its own disability in grasping the ultimate answers and the question 'why' finds no answer. So, is there any cure for this fatal disease?

I think there is a way out. Nihilism is the problem of a self-indulgent reflective being. In order to cure oneself, the first thing is reliance on 'intuition' rather than intellect. I think Bergson is quite right when he says that human intellect can only study phenomena partially; it is only intuition that can grasp the whole of being. As long as human intellect cannot grasp the whole of being; it will ultimately end up in nihilism. This might be the reason that the common man doesn't find his life utterly meaningless no matter how mundane it is. Is it because he is too stupid? I think not. The common man escapes nihilism by avoiding too much reliance on reflective attitude. Whereas, the self indulgent intellectual man is truly Faustian in spirit who ultimately concludes a pact with Mephistopheles in the form of nihilism.

One may not conclude from my analysis that escaping nihilism demands acting like non-reflective zombies. That is not what i believe. This misconception may arise if one totally distinguishes human intellect from intuition. Like Bergson, i think Intuition is essentially an evolved form of human intellect. The difference between intuition and intellect is only of degree and not of kind. Therefore, the cure for nihilism lies in intuition and action rather than reflection and free speculative contemplation driven solely by human intellect.

1 comment:

Jolijn said...

I too think Bergson could be a cure for our present day nihilism. But...wouldn't Bergson say that the difference between intuition and intellect is exactly NOT one in degree, but in kind? (the two qualitative different sources of morality etc.).
Oh, and one question :) The quote that you use 'nihilism is a disease...', is that one from Bergson himself? What work does it come from then?
