Saturday, September 22, 2012

My life these days.

“Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.” #Coleridge


Anonymous said...

Having been born and raised in very unconventional circumstances, I could not grow up to be a "normal person." I turned 23 this summer but it seems as if centuries have passed since I entered this world and sometimes it feels as if I have reached to that point where only date changes and nothing else. But on the other hand it's also very satisfying to realize that I am a "free man" of God who has nothing to worry about, despite having been got rejected everywhere. :D I used to believe that I am the absurdest person on earth and people around me would often sympathise with me for all my misfortunes but now I am happy and content. The only thing that still hurts me sometimes is the feeling that some other people have lived my life. But, nonetheless, my soul is all my own.
Forgive me for my incoherent comments. And thanks for sharing these beautiful lines with your readers. I read it after ages, I still remember that the first time I read it I was in 8th grade. This poem was part of our English syllabus. :)

Qasim Aziz said...

I am surprised to know that you are only 23. What do you do? And may I know your name if you don't mind? :)

Qasim Aziz said...

And I can identify with your comments. They sync perfectly well with how I feel so no incoherence there.

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